“He is in you, he is with you and he never abandons you. However far you may wander, he is always there, the Risen One. He calls you and he waits for you to return to him and start over again. When you feel you are growing old out of sorrow, resentment or fear, doubt or failure, he will always be there to restore your strength and your hope.”
Pope Francis, Christ Is Alive, 2019
We are so happy to work with you! You matter to our Church and we are here to support you in your faith journey in any way we can. We are so glad you are interested in developing a closer relationship with God and learning more about His Church.
Remember -
√ There's nothing too big or too small for God.
√ It is okay to talk to God about anything.
√ God listens to ALL prayers.
√ When you talk to God just be yourself.
√ You can talk to him ANYWHERE – at church, at home, at school, even in the car!
√ Why?
√ God loves you and HE is never to too busy for you!
Teens – have questions about the faith? Check out the YouCat!
Go to http://www.youcat.org/home.html to watch a short video!
Dear Lord Jesus take my hand,
I'm going to a foreign land.
One not ruled by king or preacher,
but someone with the name of teacher.
My mommy says that I'll have fun;
I'll sing and skip and play and run.
But I am scared 'cause I don't know
just what to do or where to go.
So please Lord Jesus hug me tight
and keep me in your loving sight.
For with you by my side today,
I know that I will be okay.
Bless the food on our table.
Keep us healthy,
strong and able.
I love you, God,
with all my might.
Keep me safe
all through the night.